Maternal GWAS of Offspring Birthweight Summary Data (2018)
We are releasing the summary data from our maternal genome-wide meta-analyses of offspring birth weight, combining data from the EGG consortium and the first release of the UK Biobank genetics data (released May 2015).
Data were imputed up to the reference panels from Hapmap Phase 2 (EGG Consortium studies) or combined 1000G and UK10K Project (UK Biobank). Birth weight was z-score transformed. The association between each variant and birth weight was tested separately using a linear regression model, with adjustment for offspring sex and gestational week (both where available) and study-specific ancestry covariates.
Summary files provide information on chromosome, genomic position (NCBI build 37), rsID, effect allele, other allele, effect allele frequency, beta, standard error, P value and sample size at over 8 million variants passing quality control.
Dataset Details
The data as a gzipped text file can be downloaded here: MBW_Summary_Stats.txt.gz.
Acknowledging The Data
When using data from the downloadable meta-analyses results please acknowledge the source of the data as follows:
Data on offspring birth weight has been contributed by the EGG Consortium using the UK Biobank Resource and has been downloaded from
In addition to the above acknowledgement, please cite the paper below:
Genome-wide association study of offspring birth weight in 86,577 women identifies five novel loci and highlights maternal genetic effect that are independent of fetal genetics.
Human Molecular Genetics 2018 doi:10.1093/hmg/ddx429